Installing DSpace could be difficult sometimes, specially with Java and Maven issues popping up every now and then. That is why I am so thankful to those who have produced ready to use working LiveCD and LiveDVD with DSpace and other software like Koha, Greenstone, and WordPress. However, for those who wants an easier experience in installing DSpace, there is a pre-compiled DSpace instance called AgriOcean DSpace available.
AgriOcean DSpace is a customized version of DSpace1.7.1 (JSPUI version), made available through a joint initiative of the United Nations agencies of FAOand UNESCO-IOC/IODE. Even though it is set up for the digital repository communities of AGRIS(FAO) and Odin(UNESCO-IOC), other institutes specially those are in the field of oceanography, agriculture and related sciences, can use it to make their scientific literature available in digital form. More information can be found at
You can download the easy install Windows version and the Linux version along with the install guide for the respective OS at Google code - So for whatever purposes go ahead, download it and play with it. Better yet join the community, so you can share your experience with everybody else, I for one wouldn't mind hearing from those who tested it.
AgriOcean DSpace on GSDLKOha LiveCD
I also managed to install AgriOcean DSpace Linux version at our GSDLKoha LiveCD running on hard disk following the installation guide at Google code. It was relatively easy to install because I didn't have to wrangle with Maven. However, it doesn't come with XMLUI, so if you are planning to use modules that requires XMLUI, like Vireo for eTheses submission and management, this won't be useful to you.
Multiple DSpace in one Tomcat server
In case you are wondering, yes it is possible to have multiple instance of DSpace in one server using one Tomcat. Just make sure that you have separate database, and ideally different install source for each instance. Read for more information - Setting up multiple DSpace instances in one Tomcat Server.
Driven by my inquisitive nature, I decided to test it out. Happy to say that I was successful in setting up two distinct DSpace instance : AgriOcean and DSpace 1.8.2, in one server. The LiveDVD iso that I created and currently testing have these two DSpace running, together with the rest of the other software pre-installed in the GSDLKoha LiveDVD. The only change I made is to use 8181 as my Tomcat port because 8080 is used by my Internet proxy.
I would be releasing this LiveDVD iso on Sourceforge, after running all the tests on VirtualBox, and hearing from the people who created GSDLKoha LiveCD, in order to give full credit to all their hard work on the GSDLKoha LiveCD. My goal is just to add DSpace to GSDLKoha LiveCD and make it available for those who wish to use it (like me) with the rest of all the wonderful software in it. For people who are only interested in using just DSpace or Koha there, are existing LiveCDs that would meet their needs. That would be the subject of my next blog.
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