Open Source Library Applications Software LiveCD
Run your own server pre-installed with open source digital repository software DSpace, digital libray software Greenstone, integrated library system Koha and other software like Sopac, DbWiz,and WordPress, which are dedicated and/or useful to libraries in establishing their digital presence.
"This is a customized Ubuntu LIVE CD having KOHA ILS , Greenstone Digital Library Software,DBWiz ,Sopac and WordPress pre-configured with the integration between the two. It also has mail server and client configured for the mail sending features of KOHA."
Why I Like It ?
This is the only known LiveCD that readily runs Greenstone - a digital library software. Aside from that, it runs together with a bunch of other software, which are as intricate as Greenstone in setting up. Just the fact that a number of library software works side by side is good enough reason to try it.
Also after booting, the system is pre-configured to open a web page powered by WordPress with links to run the applications on Mozilla browser, saving you the trouble of hunting for them at the start menu. Aside from that, icons/shortcuts for each application is on the desktop. The only downside is that clicking Sopac on the page will not work because the link is wrong, but no worries, edit the URL or click on the Sopac icon on the desktop to make it work.
Using this LiveCD as production server gives you Koha - integrated library system, Greenstone - for your digital collections, Sopac for discovery interface (OPAC),, DBWiz for federated search and WordPress for the library website whether as blogging platform or as CMS.
Lastly, it uses Lubuntu, a light Ubuntu variety that uses LXDE, which makes it possible to run these software in relatively old hardware.
The latest version LibLiveCD 1.2 runs on Ubuntu 10.10 and contains DSpace 1.7.0 and Koha 3.2.6. This LiveCD is smaller in file size, no need for a DVD disc, because it has less pre-installed software. Use this if you are more interested in running DSpace, a digital repository software, also for your digital collections and have Koha an integrated library system at the same time. However the software included are slightly older version compared to GDSLKoha.
Just pop one of these LiveCDs in your PC, configure it to boot using CD/DVD and reboot. After rebooting you will have a working server with all these useful software that you can run, test, and play around with, without making any changes to your system/hard disk. Aside from testing and learning the software, once satisfied, you can use install it for your own server. Just make sure you are installing it on a system that has no important files or better yet a newly built or purchased PC without OS. For those who are more comfortable running Windows, you can test, run and install these LiveCD using VirtualBox or any other virtualization software, but note that it is good enough for development but not as a production server.
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