Sunday, May 20, 2012

Great news: GSDLKoha + DSpace + VuFind LiveCD available soon

Great news, I have been informed recently, that DlnetSA the organization behind GSDLKoha will be releasing live CD of Koha, GSDL and Dspace embedded with VuFind soon. So I am putting my project to create GSDLKoha + DSpace LiveCD on hold.

I am excited to get my hands on it, because VuFind is another open source software that is quite useful for libraries. In fact I was also thinking if it would be possible to add more useful software to the GSDLKoha LiveCD. Yes, it is possible.

I will update this post for the link once it becomes available.

1 comment:

  1. We are still waiting sir.... for this good resources

    Sher Afzal
